Interested in getting started with ADVi?

Unsure of the steps to take to get to college? Have questions about the college application process, including how to apply for financial aid? ADVi can help!

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Create a profile on ApplyTexas.
  2. Check “yes” to receiving messages from ApplyTexas and its partners on the College History page of your profile.
  3. Start a freshmen application to a two- or four- year college in Texas.

After that, you should receive your first text from ADVi within a week! If you don’t, make sure you’ve provided the right cell phone number in your ApplyTexas profile.

Please note: you must be at least 13 years old to opt in to text ADVi.

What happens when you opt in to ADVi?

Once you opt in, you’ll get a welcome text. This will include information about what ADVi can help with and how ADVi will keep your information safe.

If you are in the process of applying to a college or university, ADVi will also reach out to you two to three times a week with helpful tips and information about the college going-process, reminders of important deadlines, and encouragement to keep pursuing your educational goals!

If you opted into ADVi through a phone number, you won’t receive the messages mentioned above. But you’re welcome to use ADVi to ask questions anytime.



A few tips and tricks to ensure you know how best to use ADVi when you need support!

1. Ask short questions, one at a time.

You can ask questions like “Where can I find scholarships?” or “Who can I ask for a letter of recommendation?”

Avoid “stacking” questions (asking a bunch of questions in a single text). ADVi won’t know which one to answer!

Also, don’t text only keywords (like just texting “FAFSA”). If you use keywords, you’ll get an answer, but it might not be specific enough to help! Try questions like “What is the FAFSA?” or “What does EFC mean on the FAFSA?”

2. Ask general questions about college.

ADVi has limited knowledge about specific schools but knows a lot about college in general! ADVi can answer questions like “How do I use ApplyTexas?”

If you ask more specific questions like “What is the priority application deadline at Texas Tech?” our advisors will get back to you within 48 hours.

3. Text in #commands to get connected to an advisor or be guided through a specific topic.

#colleges will share different types of post-HS education options 

#resume will send help with brainstorming your resume

#recletter will share info on recommendation letters 

#essay will share college essay tips 

#admission will explain different admission types

#trade will share info on vocational/trade programs 

#followup will connect you with a virtual advisor within 48 hours (usually much sooner!)

#help will share a list of college-related topics 

#mycollege will ask students to share their college’s name for a more personalized experience  

#collegelist will share tips to help students build a college list 

#finaid will share general info about different types of financial aid 

#gettocampus will share tips on how to navigate college as a new student 

#loans will share info on different types of student loans


Here are other tools to help you on your path to college and beyond: